No Spotify Wrapped? How you can check your Apple Music Replay

It’s that time of year again. Soon, our social media feeds will be filled with people sharing their Spotify Wrapped year in review, complete with minutes listened, favorite artists and bragging rights for ranking higher up in Taylor Swift’s top listeners list than your friends.

While Spotify strikes up an annual buzz with its end-of-the-year feature that complies and processes users’ listening habits, it is not the only music streaming service to offer stats like minutes listened, favorite songs and artists and how these compare to other users.

Apple's Replay '23 is a bit simpler than Spotify's Wrapped feature.

Apple Music vs. Spotify Wrapped

Apple Music users can also partake in the festivities with the tech company’s own version of a year-in-review feature called “Replay.”

Apple Music Replay 2023 officially launched on Tuesday, just before competitor Spotify released this year’s Wrapped. Replay is also shareable and full of data about your listening habits, so no one has to be left out in the cold this music-sharing season regardless of what service you use.

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