Williams Visiting Professor, student band, to give concert

Tim Donahue

Tim Donahue

“An evening of intense rock, funk, heavy metal and Irish pieces.”

That’s how Williams Visiting Professor Tim Donahue describes the concert that he and NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS – a SUNY Fredonia student group he assembled specifically for the concert – will deliver in Thompson Hall Room W101 on Thursday, April 25, at 7 p.m.

The performance that Mr. Donahue, an EMI recording artist, organized is free and open to the public.

An educator based in Japan who invented the fretless and fretted electric harp guitars, Donahue has brought his innovative approach to music and music performance to campus in a two-month residency. At the concert, he’ll perform solo on his own hand-built harp guitar and electric guitars, and will be followed by the student band consisting of violin, bass, keyboards and vocals.

Students in NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS include: Michael Perry, senior, majors in Music Industry and Business Administration, from Central Square, NY; Damon Tanner, junior, Music Industry, Jamestown, NY; Diavonte Allen, junior, major in Music Industry major, minors in Music and Film Studies, Rochester, NY; Justin Hicks, junior, major in Music Industry, minor in Business Administration, Smithtown, NY; Hailey LaMacchia, senior, major in Music Industry, minor in Business Administration, East Islip, NY; Meadow Viscuso, senior, majors in Music Industry and Economics, East Amherst, NY; and Krista Kolberg, senior, majors in Communication: Video Production and Music (general and string concentration), Rochester, NY.

Rehearsals Donahue oversaw served as clandestine auditions, and over time everyone’s role became solidified, he said.

Six pieces – all written specifically for this concert by Donahue – will be performed. They range from heavy funk and passionate rock balances, along with a heavy metal track and even a traditional Irish-influenced selection.

Donahue is also appearing elsewhere on campus. He will reflect on his multi-faceted life in Japan in a talk at Reed Library on Tuesday, April 16, 3 p.m., in Reed Library Garden Area. The talk is co-sponsored by the Department of Applied Professional Studies, School of Business and Reed Library.

Donahue’s residency is supported through the Williams Visiting Professor Fund of the Fredonia College Foundation. 

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