Elon Musk’s Biographer Says “Nothing Hurt Him More” Than Amber Heard | Entertainment

Elon Musk’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, has claimed that nothing in the billionaire’s life has hurt him more than his relationship with Amber Heard. During the ‘On With Kara Swisher’ podcast, Isaacson revealed that Musk’s relationship with Heard was even worse than his relationship with his father. “When things are calm, he surges, he buys Twitter or whatever. So this is true of the relationship with Amber. Nothing hurt him more than that relationship”, said Isaacson. Musk and the actress started dating after the 2016 Met Gala and made their relationship public in April 2017 before splitting months later. Isaacson, who spent two years shadowing Musk and writing his biography, shared that Heard loves him “very much” but “Elon loves fire”.

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