Moore County Sheriff issues alert following fox bite incident in Pinebluff; Fox still on the loose

The Moore County Sheriff’s Office is alerting residents of the 100 block of East Philadelphia Avenue in Pinebluff, about a recent fox bite incident. The fox involved is still on the loose.

Important Safety Precautions

To ensure the safety of all residents, the Sheriff’s Office recommends the following precautions:

Exercise caution outdoors: Be vigilant when spending time outside. Keep an eye out for any foxes and maintain a safe distance.

Do not approach the fox: If you spot the fox, do not attempt to capture or approach it. Foxes can be unpredictable, and approaching one can increase the risk of an attack.

Protect pets and children: Whenever possible, keep pets and small children indoors to reduce the risk of an encounter. If pets must be taken outside, ensure they are supervised and on a leash.

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