Blue Ivy Embraced Criticism Of Her Renaissance Tour Dancing | Entertainment

Instead of feeling hurt by social media comments mocking her Renaissance Tour dance moves, they motivated Blue Ivy to train “even harder.” According to a New York Times review of the ‘Renaissance’ movie, Beyoncé was “dismayed” when her 11-year-old read the critical comments. “But it thrilled her mother that instead of quitting, she decided to put in the work and train even harder for future stops”, wrote the New York Times. Fans criticized Blue Ivy’s “lackluster moves” after her first appearance on stage alongside her mother during a show in Paris. Although Blue Ivy made numerous appearances during the tour, the ‘Crazy in Love’ singer initially had no intention of letting her perform. In the movie, Beyoncé says, “She told me she was ready to perform, and I told her no,” however, Blue Ivy’s dancing became a crowd favorite.

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