
Cynthia Bailey Is Open to the Possibility of Returning to ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’

“The Real Housewives of Atlanta” is a groundbreaking American reality television series that made its debut on Bravo in October 2008. “RHOA” is the third installment of the franchise and focuses on the lives of prominent women in Atlanta. Cynthia Bailey, an American model and actress, joined the cast in the series’ third season in 2010. 

Cynthia Bailey. (Photo: (@cynthiabailey/Instagram.)

On Sept. 16 at the Fashion, Arts, Culture and Education (FACE) gala in Atlanta, Atlanta Black Star caught up with Bailey. We later asked if she would ever consider rejoining the “RHOA” franchise. 

She remains firm in her stance of it not being the right move for her right now. However, she claims that she would never rule it out if it felt right. After the recently completed 15th season “RHOA” had declining ratings, in August rumors circulated that season 16 of the series will see substantial changes.

This speculation sent ripples across X last month, sparking impassioned debates among fans. Some anticipate a “reboot” or an entirely new cast to inject fresh life into the franchise, while others attribute lackluster storylines to production choices in recent seasons.

In the end, the fans want once again to witness Nene Leakes, Porsha Williams, and Cynthia Bailey gracing their screens.

See our full interview with Cynthia Bailey here:

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