Danny Masterson’s Bail Request Denied Over Flight Risk Concerns | Entertainment

Danny Masterson, who is currently serving time in prison after being convicted of raping two women in 2003, has been denied bail pending his appeal. According to court records, Masterson had a bail review hearing at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in LA. The ‘That 70s Show’ actor was deemed to be a flight risk, and “he will likely remain in custody for decades and perhaps the rest of his life”. “Defendant now has every incentive to flee and little reason to return to state prison to serve out the remainder of his lengthy sentence should his appeal be unsuccessful,” said Court Judge Charlaine Olmedo, according to the documents. Just over a week after Masterson’s sentence, his wife of 12 years, Bijou Philips, filed for divorce. The actor sought legal and physical custody of his and Philips’ 9-year-old daughter, Fianna, and also requested visitation rights.

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