How to Start Phantom Liberty – Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty expansion has finally arrived, and you may be wondering how to start it up. Have no fear, we’re here to help! In this section of our Cyberpunk 2077 wiki guide, we’ll break down who you need to meet and where you need to go to get started on this thrilling new journey in Dogtown.


How to Start Phantom Liberty With a New Character


If you’re starting Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time, or maybe just don’t want to play on your previous character, starting up Phantom Liberty only requires a couple of steps.

At the starting screen, select “New Game” and you’ll then be prompted if you want to start the game normally or skip ahead to the Phantom Liberty expansion content. Choose to skip ahead and you’ll then select your difficulty level, background, and build your character.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll be dropped into the game at level 15 with twenty thousand dollars in cash. The mission that kicks everything off is called Dog Eat Dog and begins with your V reading a book and getting a call from someone named So Mi, or Songbird. She’ll direct you to the entrance of Dogtown, which will be marked on your map.

You’ll have to make your way through the crowded entrypoint to find Songbird. Once you meet her, she’ll tell you about a back way into Dogtown through a lightly guarded courtyard. It doesn’t matter if you sneak through this area or go loud since you just have to reach a garage gate that’s on the other side of the courtyard.

Once through, Songbird will guide you through the garage and explain to you that the president is in danger. The plane that they’re on is coming down, and she wants your help in finding them once it crash lands in Dogtown.


You’ll enter Dogtown shortly after the garage platforming section and Songbird will guide you up onto a rooftop. From there, you’ll be able to see the plane, but unfortunately, it’s shot down. As you watch the plane crash into the streets of Dogtown, the Phantom Liberty title screen will appear.

How to Start Phantom Liberty with an Existing Character


Starting Phantom Liberty with an existing character isn’t all that difficult, especially if you follow the steps listed above, but if you’re beginning the game from scratch and want to know when Dog Eat Dog starts up in the main campaign, it’ll be a few hours before you can actually get to the expansion.

To access Phantom Liberty, you’ll have to play through about ten hours of Cyberpunk (the estimated time for just playing main quests) to get to a specific part of the game. You’ll need to have completed the Transmission main story quest, which will then lead to you receiving the call from Songbird to begin the Dog Eat Dog mission.

From here, the opening mission to Phantom Liberty will play out how we’ve outlined it above. The plane will crash, the Phantom Liberty splash screen will play, and you’re now free to explore this brand-new story in Dogtown.

Up Next: How to Get to Dogtown

In This Guide

Cyberpunk 2077

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