
‘I want people to see me in a different light…’ Charlotte McKinney has her heart set on a comedy career | Entertainment

Charlotte McKinney is pursuing a career in comedy.

The ‘Baywatch’ actress has reinvented herself as a comedian and is determined to show that she has plenty of strings to her bow.

Charlotte told Fox News: “I want people to see me in a different light.

“It’s about pushing through and building that confidence. In the last two years, I’ve gotten into stand up comedy and that’s where you need so much confidence. For me, I have to almost psych myself out and fake it ’till you make it, push myself to get on stage and do it.”

The 30-year-old star explained that comedy has “always been a part” of her life and is looking to provide some cheer in an often negative world.

Charlotte, who first found fame as an Instagram model, said: “I’m a person who, like anyone else, has bad days and good days. And it can be hard to stay positive, especially with social media, constantly looking at other people and comparing yourself.

“But comedy has always been a part of my life and I love it. And I’m grateful that I’ve had supportive people and mentors along the way, encouraging me to do it.”

McKinney suffers from the chronic bladder condition interstitial cystitis and says that her daily fitness regime has played a big role in helping her cope with the issue.

She told “I literally just got out of hot yoga. I’m a huge believer in it. In the past couple of years, I’ve made health and wellness such a big part of my daily routine… Prioritising working out, whether it’s hot yoga, Pilates, or doing something as simple as going for a walk, has become a big part of my lifestyle.”

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