
Loren Mulraine Talks A.I. in the Music Industry at ABA Entertainment and Sports Forum

Spencer Fane attorney Loren Mulraine spoke at the 2024 American Bar Association Forum on the Entertainment & Sports Industries Spring Meeting on April 12 in Los Angeles. He participated on the panel, Generative A.I. and Music: Synthesizer, Sampler or Rise of the Machines?

During this CLE discussion, Loren and his fellow panelists outlined recent proposed legislation and litigation relevant to the music industry. The CLE focused on the functions of generative artificial intelligence to either “supercharge” or supplant the talents and abilities of recording artists and songwriters. Drawing from his experiences as both a recording artist and attorney, Loren explored topics such as copyright, trademark, and name and likeness laws, such as the United States Copyright Act, and key issues affecting artists’ ability to license their voice rights.

At Spencer Fane, Loren’s understanding of the creative elements of the entertainment and media industries merges with his extensive and legal skills to protect his clients’ intellectual property, build their business enterprises, and advocate for social justice. He has represented Grammy, Dove, and Stellar award winners; gold-, platinum-, and multiplatinum-selling artists; and professionals in the music, media, film/TV, theater, and sports industries. Loren is also a professor and director of Music and Entertainment Law Studies at Belmont University College of Law.

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