PSMG bridges the gap between Penn State, music industry | Lifestyle

As a newly founded organization, Penn State Music Group (PSMG) aims to fill a void within the Penn State community.

PSMG is a record label and “music industry association” developed and led by students.

According to co-founder and president, Hunter Badamo, the inspiration for forming the organization came from his desire to continue music in college and to create a space for other students with similar musical interests.

As vice president of artist development, Ben Swiheart said there weren’t many opportunities to pursue or do music outside of Penn State’s School of Music.

“I wanted to go into the music industry … I looked around and saw opportunities were scarce,” Badamo, a second-year studying management information systems and accounting, said. “I was thinking last August, ‘What if I could combine my passion for music and my passion for business?’”

PSMG offers general body meetings where members learn about the music industry. These meetings will also host guest speakers who will share their experience in the industry.

Bryce Kipnes, co-founder and vice president of business development, hoped these meetings will be an outlet for students seeking to get involved in music.

Music Group Open House- 3

Students engage in conversation during the Penn State Music Group open house at the Business Building on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024 in University Park, Pa.

“The whole part of this is to help people who are studying other things find their passion in music and give them the chance to take that further,” Kipnes, a first-year studying management, said.

To gain first hand industry experience, PSMG allows students to specialize in either management, marketing or artists and repertoire.

Students who choose this route will spend eight weeks immersing themselves in their chosen area while working on projects and team collaborations.

From providing help to shoot a music video to designing an album cover, Ryan Hazen, director of production, said the organization will use its resources to help local artists and bands.

“Essentially, anything that an artist needs, as a mock record label, (we) can provide them,” Hazen, a second-year studying biomedical engineering, said.

Ultimately, the mission of Penn State Music Group is “to bridge the gap between Penn State and the music industry,” Badamo said.

His goal for PSMG is for employers in the music and entertainment industry to look at Penn State students for recruitment.

“We want to be a hotspot — a target school — for people going to the music industry and entertainment in general,” Badamo said.

Swiheart, a first-year studying advertising, also said he hoped PSMG will help build students’ résumés and experience.

“Beyond that,” Swiheart said, “we hope to build a music community at Penn State because we think there’s a major need for that.”


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