Ryan Garcia-Devin Haney drama includes Victor Conte, BALCO mastermind

The news on Wednesday that boxer Ryan Garcia failed drug tests before his three-knockdown upset of Devin Haney last month came with a twist.

Haney works with Victor Conte, the mastermind of the BALCO steroids scandal that 20 years ago tarnished the reputations and accomplishments of Barry Bonds, Marion Jones and dozens of other professional athletes.

Conte, 73, also helped create the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA), the non-profit that conducted the two drug tests Garcia failed before his fight with Haney, according to ESPN and Sports Illustrated. (Conte cites VADA as evidence he is now committed to working against drug cheats.)

ESPN cited a letter from VADA in reporting Garcia tested positive for ostarine, a performance-enhancing substance on the list of banned substances issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

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