Kendra: Thankfully, we’ve always had each other so we have a built-in support system, but it’s been really awesome just to see these females in country music be so kind to us and reach out and offer advice. To have those female relationships and those people supporting you along the way, it really does matter, because they’ve all been through these experiences before. To have these relationships, it’s really incredible and so helpful.
Sadie: I feel like I have more male artist friends, but all the females that I know have been so cool, because we all know what it’s like. When we see each other, we’re like, “Girl, keep rolling,” because we know how tired we are. We all just pay our respects and encourage each other.
You all are working so hard, you’re so busy – how do you keep the motivation, the inspiration, your love for the music alive?
Krista: We may be tired, but we’re never tired of what we get to do because it was all we wanted to do for a living. I think it all stems from that, because at the baseline, if Kendra and I can do music our whole lives and never have to do anything else, that’s been our whole goal. No matter what I do I would still be tired, so I might as well be tired doing this. And honestly, we are still after 11 years of doing this experiencing so many firsts still. Getting to have these moments like the ACM awards and our first DMT nominations this year, and we’re releasing our debut album in a few weeks, all stuff we haven’t done. I still have so many dreams, so many goals I want to accomplish and so it’s still so much fun.
Sadie: I think part of the best thing about this industry is it’s never the same. It’s always growing. It’s addicting, being that sponge and just learning so many things. But I think the big thing that all the artists are trying to figure out is how to balance it all at the same time.
Where do you draw inspiration for your music from?
Krista: We write all our songs together, so a lot of it either comes from my personal experience or Kendra’s personal experiences. Also, sometimes I’ll be having a conversation with people and they’ll say something interesting. When we wrote our song, “Tried a Ring On,” a lot of our friends were going through breakups, and there was this common theme that we wrote about.
Sadie: Same thing for me, I like to call it “bringing my songwriter with me.” Everywhere I go, now I have such an eye for where I’m listening for somebody to say something I haven’t heard before, or I see a picture or view and look at it later and write some random lines to it. At first I was always writing for just me, something I would say or something I’ve experienced, so I had a hard time writing outside of that. But then I realized the cool part about our job is it’s kind of like acting. You can put yourself in that story and still write the story just as good.
Sadie, you’re from Michigan and you’re coming back to play Faster Horses. What does it mean to be able to play at this festival in your home state?
Sadie: I went to Faster Horses at 19, 20, 21, and I remember being in the crowd and looking up and me and my friends kind of joked that maybe you’ll be up there one day. I always just thought about it, and then from 19 until now, 27, every year people would ask me, “When are you playing Faster Horses?” It got to a point where I was dreading it because I didn’t know if it would happen, and finally it’s frickin’ happening. It’s so exciting too because it’s a side stage, so I get to experience that, and then I can set the goal to do the main stage once I get more of this frickin’ music out. So it really is surreal. I can’t believe that it actually is happening.
Krista: Faster Horses has always been on our bucket list, so we can’t believe we’re gonna be there on the main stage. So many of our favorite people are going to be there too. We love our Michigan fans, they’re so awesome and they love country music so much. We’re so excited to have a little party, shoot some tequila and do the thing.
What can we expect from you in the coming months in terms of new music, projects?
Krista: Our debut album “Blonde” releases July 26, and for Faster Horses stay tuned because we have something really special planned for that. A lot of touring, we’re hopping on a lot of people’s tours, and our own headlining stuff. But honestly, we’re already writing for the next record. Always creating!
Sadie: I haven’t put out music since last summer because we’ve been stockpiling, and I’m trying to do it right this time. But once I open that floodgate, it’s going down.
Sadie Bass performs at 1:50 p.m. Saturday on the Next from Nashville Stage, Tigirlily Gold performs at 3 p.m. Sunday at the Main Stage.
Faster Horses
12626 US Highway 12, Brooklyn