Statement from Defence Minister Bill Blair on Canada Day

July 1, 2024 – Ottawa, Ontario – Department of National Defence / Canadian Armed Forces

The Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Bill Blair, issued the following statement for Canada Day:

“Today, I join Canadians across the country and around the world in celebrating Canada Day. As we celebrate Canada and all that it has to offer, we also recognize that the liberties and opportunities that we enjoy are because generations of Canadian Armed Forces members, past and present, have stood up to defend the values that we hold dear.

“Throughout our history, we have been reminded that we cannot take peace, democracy, and freedom for granted. This year, we commemorated the 80th anniversary D-Day and the Battle of Normandy and recognized the heroism of the Canadian and Allied troops who landed in France to liberate Europe from Nazi oppression. We can never forget this outstanding generation of Canadians, to whom we owe so much.

“After the Second World War, Canada and its Allies established the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), now marking its 75th year. Canada is a founding member of NATO, and we take great pride in the growth of the Alliance over the years. The NATO Alliance stands stronger today than ever before – and we are united in supporting Ukraine and upholding the rules-based international order.

“Today’s CAF members proudly carry on Canada’s long-standing military tradition of service before self. The dedicated civilian members of our Department of National Defence and Communications Security Establishment also do exceptional work every day to enable the CAF and serve Canadians. This year, we also celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force – whose members will proudly show off their expertise to Canadians across the country today in flyovers and Canada Day celebrations.

“On Canada Day, we thank all members – past and present – of the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as the military families who are the strength behind the uniform. As our country faces new security challenges, Canada will remain a reliable contributor around the world, promoting peace, security, and the international rules that keep us all safe.

“I encourage everyone to take a moment today to thank a military member or veteran in their life – and to celebrate everything that makes this country the best place in the world.

“Happy Canada Day!”

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