CALMATTERS: Progressives frustrated by failure to enact their agenda in deep blue California | Columns
Seemingly, California is a deeply blue state in which Democrats hold virtually all of the levers of political power, including…
Seemingly, California is a deeply blue state in which Democrats hold virtually all of the levers of political power, including…
A decade ago, California’s political apparatus finally recognized a yawning achievement gap in its public schools, separating poor and English-learner…
What is there to say about Thursday night’s much-hyped “debate” between California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis?…
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If any freeway is a cultural icon, it is Interstate 10, which stretches more than 2,460 miles through eight southern…
California has seen some humdinger contests for its U.S. Senate seats, but none worthy of note in this century. Two…
So what should Californians glean from their governor’s global gallivanting last week? We learned that Gavin Newsom won’t let tinges…
The dichotomy between blue and red states – in essence California vs. Florida and Texas – has played out in…
To those on the left side of the political balance beam, no issue is more important – or more elusive…
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