
TV Academy readies for 75th Emmy night

Jan. 15 will be a glamorous night as Hollywood celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Emmy Awards. (photo courtesy of the Television Academy)

On Emmy night Jan. 15, Los Angeles will not only earn its stripes as the “entertainment capital of the world” but will also become planet earth’s “epicurean epicenter.”

The Television Academy – which normally is more engaged in awarding the creators of tasty plot twists for hungry worldwide audiences – has assembled a massive culinary cadre of chefs, servers and event experts to stage an unprecedented series of rapturous black-tie food and drink extravaganzas for 8,000 attendees in honor of the Emmy Awards 75th Anniversary.

Over a period of three evenings one of the world’s largest convention centers is being transformed into a savory spectacle befitting 8,000 entertainment industry celebrities, directors, studio executives, craftsmen and artists who make television possible for millions of fans and lovers of one of the world’s fastest growing entertainment mediums.

The consecutive galas are part of celebrations leading up to and including the Jan. 15 telecast airing on FOX.

The sheer size, scope and challenge of staging these consecutive Governors Gala gatherings at the Los Angeles Convention Center, adjacent to downtown L.A. Live’s Peacock Theater, is unprecedented as a result of a quick ramp-up made necessary by the TV and film industry’s recent labor strife. Producers have had only six weeks versus the six months normally accorded such an endeavor.

The thousands of attending luminaries will be bathed in such splashes as specially crafted “Emmy gold chain” stretching longer than an entire football field and cascading playfully down from two stories above onto the dance floor.

An additional 11 miles of that shimmering flowing finery will be wrapped around 12 enormous translucent pillars. Featured against this dramatic backdrop will be the iconic and renowned “Emmy Winners Circle” where thrilled recipients will gather to witness their statuettes affixed with personalized plaques.

Befitting the proceedings will be a massively towering two-story Emmy aureate statue bearing witness to the crowning career achievements of television’s brightest stars.

“Our goal was to mark this amazing milestone of Emmy’s 75th Anniversary with a historic celebration bringing the industry together in recognition of the tens of thousands of people who play key roles in telling great stories that enthrall international audiences,” Television Academy president and CEO Maury McIntyre said.

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