What Impact Does The Entertainment Industry Have On Young Voters?

“I see it going both ways on both sides. The other side is also using their entertainers as well. So why can’t we use artists that positively influence us? They have their critics about our entertainers, and we have our critics about their entertainers as well, regarding some of the things they have to say. But if it livens a group or mass of people who feel underserved, unheard, and unseen, why not use these people that the younger generations look up to? Both sides use it, but they are trying to weaponize it when we use it.”

“Yes, I feel the media and the music industry definitely impact the younger generation. They are very influential; they get influenced by the glitz and glamour of the music industry. The industry has a big influence. Whatever they say, I think the younger kids will buy into it. When you see Kamala and all the other politicians jamming to the music, you get younger voters.”

“I definitely think there is a population that’s vulnerable to some misinformation out there, who are listening to these artists that never really came up in the struggle, like Marvin Gaye, Isaac Hayes, and Earth, Wind & Fire. I don’t think they are woke; I don’t think their minds are expanded enough. So, they are going to listen to anything they hear. I think today’s artists are going to have an influence on a block of voters that can push us over the edge. Most certainly.”

“I think celebrities can influence young voters’ decisions through campaign concerts or social media posts because younger generations relate more to the entertainers that we are seeing in these campaigns.”

“They can impact young voters. They have a large platform, so they are going to have people who are willing to listen to them just because they are famous, and there is a lot of money involved. Even if they are famous for something else other than music, I think they can influence the way someone is voting by participating in party campaigns.”

“Some people say, ‘Who cares about which celebrities are going to vote for which president or who they are supporting?’ But I think with their status, they can impact voters’ decisions when it is time to vote.”

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