What was Napster? 25 years ago, website changed the way we get music

  • Napster was a file-sharing service that allowed users to download music tracks for free.
  • The recording industry sued to have Napster shut down, and the company went into bankruptcy in 2002.
  • Napster paved the way for digital downloads and music streaming services.

Remember Napster, the online network that let you download music tracks for free? All it did was totally change the entertainment industry.

Still, you may not recall its influence because the first version of Napster had a relatively short life. Soon after Napster launched on June 1, 1999, the recording industry sued to have it shut down.

Over the ensuing months as Napster fought for its life in court, consumers continued to rip CDs and put tracks onto their computers and onto the file-sharing network so others could download them. Napster grew from 20 million users in 2000 to an estimated 80 million users at its peak, The Guardian reported.

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